Back to Japan-India NewsWire
An Overview -
- An exhaustive coverage of press releases published by Japan-India companies as a starting point
- Daily compilation/updation of all press releases published by Japan-India companies
- Setting up of news widgets by various groups such as capital markets performance, financial performance, industry groups/industry, investment groups, market capitalization, etc
- Access to media reporters to password-protected news widget page containing list of all subscribed modules being offered through widgets
- Full view of press releases by clicking on a selected press release
- Each press release has link to its original source (i.e. company website) as well as links to other sections such as company overview, company executive bios, etc.
Advantages for Reporters/Editors -
Wider universe of Japan-India stories than press release services where costs are high and only larger companies sign-up
Easy to see highlights of press releases from widgets pages (rather then too many press releases coming to reporters/editors email boxes)
Reporter can check these widgets for as many days of the current week so then can select a story during slower news cycle time period
Media list to be more customized for countries, industries, etc. so then chances of publishing a story much higher
Editorial and translation services for reasonable extra costs
Advantages for Companies in Asian Businesses -
Flat-fee and cost-effective prices per year
Editorial and translation services provided for reasonable extra costs
Instant update of news story on this platform to provide visibility to media
Free access to all news compiled by our team to companies signing up for press distribution providing ease to keep up with the business news of the region
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